Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mule Galaxy rolls out

Hey, Mule Galaxy goes 1.0!

Congratulations to Dan and the Mule team on the release of their JCR- and APP-powered Registry. I'm looking forward to taking it for a spin, and continue to be very psyched that other vendors are traveling the same road we are with the WSO2 Registry - REST and APP are great foundations on which to build a registry/repository solution.

Despite some of the recent heat between our two companies, I think there are good opportunities for "coopetition", and one of those is definitely in the Registry realm. As Anne mentioned a while back, it might be nice if we got our heads together and thought about some standard models for SOA in a RESTful/APP data store. Simple example - how do I find WSDLs in the Registry which use a particular schema namespace? Can we make that work the same way across both our products?


Dan Diephouse said...

Damn, you beat me to it, this is on my post 1.0 list of things to do. Anyway, I think we're in and I know some others who want in as well. I'll blog some thoughts later today.

Anonymous said...

I think UDDI's tech note (TN) for registration of WSDL in UDDI can be a model for how to do things in Atom.

http://tinyurl.com/em7o7 (WSDL TN)

The UDDI categoryBag has a triplet of tModelKey/keyName/keyValue (within each keyedReference element) that maps nicely to Atom scheme/label/term within a category element.

Its a matter of standardizing some well-known scheme URIs the way the TN defines some tModel keys for "taxonomies".

This is sort of where I was going with http://tinyurl.com/6p9nmt